Saturday, February 8th, 2025

Basic Needs Grant

Military Friends Foundation works to support the vital needs of our Massachusetts military community through our Military Friends Foundation Basic Needs Program.  Military Families make up less than 1% of our nation’s population and face unique challenges due to their military service.   

Applicants also must meet the following criteria: 1) Be an actively serving member of the Massachusetts National Guard who has deployed overseas since 9/11; an actively serving Reservist who have deployed overseas since 9/11 and resides in Massachusetts; or a Massachusetts Gold Star Families of any era; 2) Experience a financial hardship related to their military service or the death of their servicemember and need assistance for basic needs; and 3) Have a gross income that does not exceed 30% of the Area Medium Income or an extenuating situation. To apply for assistance, please fill out the application in full below.  Only completed applications will be considered and all documentation must be submitted at time of application.  You will be contacted within 14 days.  


Basic Needs Grant

Assistance from this program may include: (a) Food - perishable and non-perishable food, produce, baby food and formula, grocery gift cards and vouchers (b) Clothing - direct purchase of clothing for children or adults, clothing gift cards or vouchers (c) Shelter - housing/rental payments or utility bills paid directly to vendor, materials for emergency home repair, supplies or items (e.g. furniture, kitchen goods, equipment, appliances) deemed essential by Military Friends Foundation. (d) Medical - certain bills for emergency procedures may be considered. Personal loans, credit card payments, child support, taxes, home improvements, cable, elective medical procedures, legal fees and military pay issues resulting from servicemembers failure to report changes in status.
  • Drop files here or
    Please attach a copy of your latest Federal Tax Return.
  • Drop files here or
    Please attach a copy of 90 days of any bank statements where you are the signer or co-signer on the account.
  • Accepted file types: pdf, jpg.
    Print the household income and expense form and complete in full. Attached the document as a PDF.
  • If you own a home please list the following: date purchased, purchase price, current loan amount. If you own a second property please provide the above information for that property as well.
  • Drop files here or
    Upload copy of the bills you are submitting for consideration. Bills should be in the name of the servicemember or Gold Star Family. Your Social Security Number must be redacted.
  • Drop files here or
    For example are your financial challenges impacted by a medical situation? Please upload a physicians note. We you on limited physical duty that impacted your drill? Please upload a memo from your chain of Command.
  • Drop files here or
    Active military should attach a copy of the DD214. Gold Star Families may attach a DD1300 or a DD214 and death certificate. The files must have your Social Security Number redacted.
  • Upload a copy of your most recent LES.