Wednesday, March 26th, 2025

Operation Military Smiles

Sunday, December 15, 2024 | 11:30AM-1:30PM, Brockton VA Medical Center Bldg 22

No pre-registration required for 2024 Toy Shops. Families may attend 1 toy shop per holiday season.

This program is active military, veterans, and Gold Star Families with children ages 2-12 years old.  Please note Toy Shops are geared for adults so you can come and shop for your special kids.  Click here for a jpg invitation to share with your Veterans.  Servicemembers and Veterans must bring a military ID, Veterans ID or dependent ID to participate. 

FOR TOY DRIVE COLLECTIONS:  This year we are hoping to collect to 10,000 toys for the children and grandchildren of our local veterans and military families. The toys will be made available at mobile toy shops and military installations throughout Massachusetts during the holiday season.  We currently have a shortage of toys for boys and girls ages 10-12.  

OPERATION MILITARY SMILES: Military Friends Foundation, 501(c)3 partnered with Families of Fallen Service Members in 2010 to create the Operation Military Smiles program. The purpose of the program is to put a little extra “smile” into the lives of local service members and veterans through yearly toy giveaways. Operation Military Smiles hosts toy drives across the state each year and toys and gift cards are then made available for families at traveling Operation Military Smiles Toy Shops.  To date, Operation Military Smiles donated over 100,000 toys to military families.  


Start a toy & gift card collection! – Want to Join the Team? It’s as easy as setting up a donation box in your office, school or local business. We will provide a custom e-poster for your company and tax deduction information. Donations can be dropped off the week of December 1st at our offices.  

Volunteer at a Toy Shop – This is a great way for any company to give back during the holiday season.  We welcomes any Gold and Survivor Families and volunteers to come out and enjoy a day of friendship and celebration as we bring smiles to military families.

Consider a donation – Make a tax deductible donation via Paypal at or send a check to Military Friends Foundation, 212 Humphrey Street, Swampscott, MA 01907.