Sunday, March 9th, 2025

Nancy, Worcester MA

Nancy, Worcester MA

My husband got home from Iraq in May 2010 and returned to school in the fall, as he struggled finding work after his deployment. We are currently living on one income and raising a 3 year old daughter. The harsh winter weather in New England has sent our heating bill through the roof! The Military Friends Foundation was able to help pay some of our bill so we can live more comfortably and focus on... [Read more]

Alyssa, Fall River MA

Alyssa, Fall River MA

My fiancĂ© SGT Robert Barrett of Fall River was killed in Kabul Afghanistan on April 19, 2010. The only thing that helped me through this tough time is organizations like this and the people that belong to them. Thank you for all you do! Alyssa, Fall River MA  Read More →

Terryann, MA

Terryann, MA

I was awarded one of the first Mass cares grants from the Military Friends at a ceremony at the State House. We used the money for our oil bill. What a pleasant way to be recognized for the hard work the families left behind have to do. Thank you Military Friends. You Rock. Terryann, MA  Read More →

Tammy, North Attleboro MA

Tammy, North Attleboro MA

My husband is currently deployed in Afghanistan. I heard about Military Friends from the units Family Readiness Group and decided I would check it out. I am so grateful for the extra help they have given me. I needed help paying for my son’s daycare. Thank you Military Friends you are doing a wonderful job. Tammy, North Attleboro MA  Read More →

Scott, Cape Cod MA

Scott, Cape Cod MA

Military Friends is a wonderful foundation, there for the military family in their time of need and for that we are all grateful. Thank You! Scott, Cape Cod MA  Read More →

The Cockrum Family, Hanscom AFB

The Cockrum Family, Hanscom AFB

My husband is currently deployed in Kuwait. We needed the grant to help pay one of our bills. I really never thought I would get the help so when I received the phone call and the letter in the mail I was so excited. It is a true blessing that your organization is there to help us in our time of need. Forever grateful.  Read More →

Brenda, Waltham MA

Brenda, Waltham MA

This is my husband’s second deployment and it has been a much better one! Mainly because there all these programs offering us help! My auto insurance was extremely backed up due to the fact that I had to cut my work hours in order to juggle my children’s crazy schedule and keep our household functioning normally! So I am so thankful for the $200 Military Friends Grant that helped me out... [Read more]

Michael, Medford MA

Michael, Medford MA

Military Friends was an easy to use and very helpful service. It is amazing to find people willing to donate money to a complete stranger. Michael, Medford MA  Read More →

Katie, West Springfield MA

Katie, West Springfield MA

The Military Friends helps the people who need that extra help while their soldier is away, maybe for spouses with young children to help provide a better Christmas or to be able to buy your loved one something nice and ship it out to them before the holidays. Or maybe even to purchase something nice for yourself. I believe this is a very nice opportunity and I am thankful that there is wonderful people... [Read more]

Marie, Wilbraham MA

Marie, Wilbraham MA

You sent a check to Jeffrey. He can’t answer right now as he is currently serving overseas. I am his mother. I thought I would tell you what it means to me to have received this check for him. This helped defray his expense to come home right before he left for the war zone. We didn’t expect to be able to see him before he was done his tour (or at least 6months in). This was something that... [Read more]