Monday, March 10th, 2025

Jen, Winchester MA

Jen, Winchester MA

Sarah from Military Friends was at Logan Airport to greet members of the 181 when they came home for a week leave. My brother and several of the other soldiers couldn’t believe that someone was there to help them pay for their airfare home! Thank you for all you do for the troops. My brother is happy to know that there is a group here willing to help his family while his is deployed. Jen, Winchester... [Read more]

Luann, East Longmeadow MA

Luann, East Longmeadow MA

My husband has been deployed to Kuwait since January 2010. He is due home on Christmas Eve! While we are excited for his return, I am currently out of work on disability and this has been a financial hardship on our family. The Military Friends Foundation assisted my family to enable us to pay our gas and electric bill for one month. For this, I am eternally grateful during this especially difficult... [Read more]

Michelle, East Longmeadow MA

Michelle, East Longmeadow MA

Military Friends Foundation has affected my life in such a positive way. I began my journey with Military Friends when they provided my family with a grant when my step-father was deployed in Afghanistan. A few months later I was selected from my district as a Military Friends Scholar. The day of the presentation of the scholarship will be a day I will never forget. Many amazing individuals were there... [Read more]

Amanda, Maynard MA

Amanda, Maynard MA

While my husband was deep in the midst of deployment, I was deep in the battle on the homefront with the health of my oldest daughter. She has had nutritional problems since birth, but it seemed during a huge growth spurt at age 5, everything just got worse. We were at Children’s Hospital on a weekly basis for this test or that. One of the biggest things that needed to be addressed was her teeth.... [Read more]

Stephanie, Dalton MA

Stephanie, Dalton MA

My husband deployed this year in August and we weren’t sure if he was going to get leave before they left (between training and being in country) when we got word I needed to buy a ticket immediately – we had to borrow the funds to do that from my father, the MFF grant afforded us the opportunity to pay him back without taking it from my husband’s pay. Because of that we had more room... [Read more]

Jeanine, Marshfield MA

Jeanine, Marshfield MA

My husband was in Iraq at the age of 52 and had a heart attack. He was in the hospital in Germany for a while then was sent to Washington and spent 71 days seeing doctors at Walter Reed Army Hospital.  After that he was able to come to Massachusetts to be treated here on a remote care program through the Warrior Transition Unit at Hanscom AFB. I would like to thank the Military Friends Foundation... [Read more]

Juli, Berkley MA

Juli, Berkley MA

With the deployment of my husband came some financially tough times. If not for the help of the Military Friends Foundation, I would never have been able to pay my heating bill. Thank you for all you do to help military families like mine. Juli, Berkley MA  Read More →

SGT Olivo, Southbridge MA

SGT Olivo, Southbridge MA

I would like to take this time to thank Military Friends Foundation and it’s supporters for the opportunity I had to receive a travel grant of $2oo.oo dollars. I am currently deployed and while we were giving the chance to travel home for a week to see our families before we left. I am married and we have four wonderful children, but to purchase a ticket to fly home was still a little hard to... [Read more]

Zofia, Haverhill MA

Zofia, Haverhill MA

My son Arthur is currently deployed to Afghanistan with the 1-181st Infantry Regiment. Arthur and I are very thankful for the $200 grant that was made possible by MFF and its supporters. Both of us have been unemployed for nearly 2 years now. Arthur’s military pay and my unemployment checks are the only source of income. As a single mother of two, money is extremely tight. I am beyond grateful for... [Read more]

Tara, Springfield MA

Tara, Springfield MA

I would like to thank Military friends for the grant to get my husband’s plane ticket home. Our oldest son didn’t know he was coming home and we were able to surprise him at his school and my 3 cousins who were also visiting from NY. I can’t begin to explain how great it is to have support for our deployed service members. We had an amazing week with our family and friend thanks to... [Read more]