Sunday, March 9th, 2025

Debbie, Brant Rock MA


I will tell my story on how much Military Friends have done for my family and I. My son was deployed in February 2010 to Afghanistan; his second tour and he didn’t go alone; his girlfriend for the past 7 years went to Afghanistan with the 379 Engineers out of Buzzards Bay, MA. All went okay until August 2, 2010 and a phone call came from my son saying “MOM I have to tell you something; Bre got hit and she is really hurt. Oh my God I said well you can only imagine how that would feel. Breinne Travers got hit from an RPG as she was driving the Gun truck on a convoy. The story is rather long and the story has a long way to go. She is alive and that is all that matters. We are so lucky for that! Military Friends paid for my stay at a Motel room so that I could go visit her at Walter Reed Medical Center in DC. The foundation helped Bre with clothes and helped pay Joe’s bills (my son) as well as Bre’s. It doesn’t end there; I am the Chair person for the FRG 379 Engineers and we wanted to send gifts to the soldiers in the unit. Family members brought everything from tooth paste to Christmas trees; the Foundation came up to the plate and said we can help you with that and paid for about 500 pounds of gifts for the Soldiers. I just can’t thank the Military Friends enough and I know we would really like to have a home coming celebration for the unit when they return. Thanks so much Military Friends you are an amazing foundation doing amazing stuff for families of the Military.

Debbie, Brant Rock MA


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