Monday, March 10th, 2025

Marie, Wilbraham MA


You sent a check to Jeffrey. He can’t answer right now as he is currently serving overseas. I am his mother. I thought I would tell you what it means to me to have received this check for him. This helped defray his expense to come home right before he left for the war zone. We didn’t expect to be able to see him before he was done his tour (or at least 6months in). This was something that all in the family and his fiance agreed was a precious gift to be able to spend another week with him. How can words ever convey appreciation for helping to allow us to spend the gift of unexpected time with our loved one? It is great to know that there are people out there who recognize the sacrifice of all who serve and are willing to give money so they can spend time with the ones who love them! Thank you so much!

Marie, Wilbraham MA


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